The first scent I'd like to talk about began affecting me sometime between 12 and 14, when I realized exactly what I was smelling. This is the Bradford Pear tree:

The Bradford Pear tree, when in bloom, smells like semen. That's right: cum. I don't know what else to say about it, really; if you've smelled it, you know it.
More importantly, the past week or two I've been haunted by a new blooming smell here in the Miami River Valley: cat pee. Something that is blooming around here smells like feline urine.
The weird thing? I'm one of very few people who can smell it. The wife, the daughter, and even the visiting in-laws think I'm losing my mind. But I've found some vague evidence that I'm not. Specifically, a report by a mother that talks about how her daughter cannot be in the same room with Paperwhites because they smell like cat urine.

It's my best lead yet, thought I have yet to track them down in the neighborhood.
Anyone else aware of a flowering plant that smells like cat urine that not everyone can smell?
UPDATE: Cat pee smell is juniper. Hurting for the next month or two.
My sense of smell isn't so great but I agree that paperwhites smell like cat piss. Actually my first thought was of a previous girlfriend who, with certain stimulation, would ejaculate so much as to require two or three folded towels to manage. Initially there was no urine-like smell at all from that fluid, but after a couple of hours the towels, to me, would reek of something like cat piss. Every day with her was laundry day.
But apparently most people don't think paperwhites smell bad, and those who do commonly refer to burning electric wiring, which I don't get at all.
Um...interesting. Very interesting.
About the paperwhites, I mean.
Thanks for commenting!
My wife likes these flowers and I cannot stand them because of the hobo smell. I am glad I am not the only one
One of my 2 cats (both neutered males) had taken to painting all of my walls, furniture, and anything else he could reach. I was horrified when I got a UV light. He never did that in all of the 9 years I've had him and didn't when I got him a buddy (they love each other and did so right away) but when a strange black cat started showing up outside both of my cats went nuts and the older one (9) started his wall painting, as well as the curtains out in the kitty room. I couldn't keep up with it.
My cats are indoor cats so it's not like the stray is actually going to get in here but they both hate him (and he is neighbor's cats hate him too). I've tried cleaning with a pet urine enzyme and then spraying some "No More Spraying" but that hasn't worked. He's a sneaky little bugger too; he waits until he thinks I'm not looking and then does it. He's learned that the minute I see him backing his butt up to something he gets yelled at.
It wasn't until I found "Cat Spraying No More" that I was able to finally get rid of this tiresome behavior.
Now my house doesn't smell like a litter box anymore :)
Here's a link the their site if you're interested in checking it out:
I hope you don't mind me sharing this. Cheers!
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