Thursday, August 05, 2010

In Short: Pam Geller is a Fucking Moron

From Crooks & Liars:
Geller: This is patently untrue. I love Muslims. The Ground Zero mosque is an offensive insult, it's a stab in the eye. I have no problem with mosques across the city. But we're talking about history, and Islamic history, of building triumphal mosques on the cherished sites of conquered lands.

Oh, the fucking mosque again?

Hey, wait, that reminds me of this one know what I'm talking about? The Christians overtaking every pagan altar in Europe to co-mingle beliefs and eventually convert or silently conquer them? Oh, yeah, and that other time...what was it? Oh, yeah, when Christians came here to find the USA totally uninhabited (except for them injuns) and drove those dark-skinned people out to manifest destiny and get some awesome land - on which they erected churches as a staple of any civilized settlement.

Oh, and it reminds me of that awesome new shirt from T-Shirt Hell that says "Learn to Speak Native American or Get the Fuck Out"

Pam, you are not just ignorant, you are stupid. And as a wise childrens' show host said one time when I was drunk in Toledo at 6am: "Ignorance is just not knowing. That's easy to fix. But stupid? There's no fixin' stupid."

So please stop talking and allow the collective of human intelligence heal for a while.


Dr. Monkey Von Monkerstein said...

Man, I really hate that woman.

Blueberry said...

I like how the haters always say "I'm not a racist/bigot, I love {fill-in-the-blanks}, but the thought of {those people I love} being allowed to exist in my universe stabs me in the {fill-in-the-body-part}.

Chris said...
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Chris said...

"Some of my best friends are mulsims... "

Not going to end well.

Bigotry in the east. Bigotry in the west. Who would have though that NY and CA would be simultaneous flash points for this? Those eevil libruls but be taking over!

Kal said...

I am of the opinion that I want to hear all the racists who don't want this mosque to be built because it exposes their views to the whole word. The mosque is going to be built NEAR 'ground zero' but not AT ground zero. And if you want to really honor the dead then why not get around to building something where there is only a pit now. It's been a decade, put something up to help the healing or would you prefer to just use your energy for hate?