Wednesday, February 16, 2011

The Bro/Brah Douchebaggery Ascendancy

(by me)


Debra She Who Seeks said...

If I never hear any guy say "bro/brah" again, it will be too friggin soon.

that girl said...

we've been pondering Bro Culture up here in the Cleve. This helps us greatly with our research. You're the best.

Ricky Shambles said...

Debra- Amen, but expect too friggin soon too friggin soon.

thatgirl- I'm happy to contribute. This is but a scaled-down version that does not include the Collar-poppin' Index or the Booze Relationship [f(x) = x^(1 + (n/2))] where x is douchebaggery and n = number of drinks (n, of course, is automatically doubled for shots of Jagermeister, tripled for Jagerbombs). I figured including all possible variables would result in an absurdly complex matrix that might obscure the basic message.

Pow pow brah brosphus said...

Can u make a douchbaggery chart explaining how lame ur life is if you sit around making pointless graphs. U should be out shreddin the nar and hiiting those fresh pow pow lines bro. Brah :>)