Thursday, February 23, 2012

American Teens are Dumb

At least in this school. And my daughter's school. C'mon, if it's not Twilight or Bieber or Ke$ha or Facebook, they're pretty much clueless. I give you Lunch Scholars. I suggest a helmet so you don't get brains everywhere when your head explodes.


Kay Dennison said...

This is frightening but no surprise !!! When my kids were in high school about 20+ yrs ago, their teachers always commented on how bright and well-informed they were. We talked about such things at our house at dinner and they were included and encouraged to be interested. Heck! They were 4 and 6 the first time they helped mom with a campaign!!

My Brain said...

That was a little bit disturbing, but I do suppose that the fact they were caught off guard should come into play. Though I don't really think there is any excuse for not knowing some of those answers...

Sausage said...

When did Canada become a State? how long have I been asleep.
this is very frightening

Sarah said...


Kay Dennison said...

Can I borrow this?

Ricky Shambles said...

Woot! Thanks for the comments. Truly, it's a bit of a horror, though with a 15-year-old at home, I can't say I'm surprised by this in the least.

Kay - borrow away! It belongs to the internets, not me :)