Monday, November 28, 2011

The Language of the Right: New English

Sure, it's been going on forever - language gets twisted and changed in ways that strike a nerve ("hot dogs") or are just laughable ("freedom fries"). I'll use Mario Piperni's delicious graphic as a reference:

It's funny, but allow me to enlighten the language some for those who don't listen to right wing radio. It's not called "crony capitalism" when republicans do it, obviously (last week I hear an "I've never heard" outcry from Hannity about Congressional insider trading with specifically Democratic references), but there's a new language from the Ay-Am band radio hosts making its terribly un-funny debut: Crony Socialism.

The Solyndra issue might be pushed through the crony mold, but it has nothing to do with socialism. At all.

Take note, now and forever: the language they use has effects - and sometimes it even sticks.


Kay Dennison said...

And that, my friend, is why they say that the pen is mightier than the sword and never do/say anything that your mama wouldn't be proud of on video tape.

Tools For English Language said...
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Ricky Shambles said...

Kay- funny that I accidentally looked at a VERY old email that had my tag quote from the Koran:

The ink of the scholar and the blood of a martyr are of equal value in heaven.

Those crazy Muslims.