Check it out at The Junior Christian Science Bible Lesson Show! It's a bit old, but if you haven't seen it, prepare yourself.
(better version in Update below)
This show has it all:
Mr. Gray the singing alien

"Chip the Black Boy!"

...and much more! Complete with Bible readings, extended remix improv songs, reverb, space angels, puppetry apparently executed by a blind, three-year-old retarded child, and production values as beneficial as necrotizing fasciitis (apparently executed by a blind, three-year-old retarded child preoccupied with puppetry).
This is quite possibly the worst thing I've ever seen on the internets. And I'm familiar with goatse and tub girl.
Ho. Lee. Shit.
UPDATE: I just had to dig, didn't I? More Videos...
Chip the Black Boy explains Aliens
I Love Christmas Jam Session
Larger YouTube version of primary video VVV
Wait, what am I doing? This is the internets. Here.
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