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International Travel Accessories
5 hours ago
According to the Oakland Tribune, the city’s rising Cathedral of Christ the Light complex is "the most expensive in American history." The complex, which includes the nuclear reactor-like church itself, chapels, a plaza, a mausoleum, a conference center, diocesan offices, "gathering places," and Bishop Allen Vigneron’s residence, is currently running about $190 million – $10 million more than the Los Angeles archdiocese’s Cathedral of Our Lady of the Angels, which opened in 2002.What pomp, pride, and excess. But not everyone's happy about it.
Some have criticized the project, saying the money could be better spent elsewhere – on schools, for instance, or services for the poor. The diocese, however, says the monies for the cathedral ($91 million raised by last December) will not come from diocesan funds but from earmarked contributions.Good job diocese; you've verbally exemplified your illogical puffery! Who cares where the money came from? Who cares where or in what building you worship? If you are in charge of the diocese, you are in charge of God's mission on your little piece of Earth.