As a web developer, I'm enthralled by numbers when it comes to posts, web visits, and other tasty statistics. So here's my way-late update on my own benchmarks along with some other stuff that might be of no interest to you :)
This is officially my 1,515th post.
My first post ever was on 1/25/06 and it was about the travesty of Million Little Pieces - the travesty of the media, anyway. I thought the public shaming of James Frey in light of a little embellishment was unfounded, sanctimonious bullshit. So started Cause for Concern.
Which means I've been going for almost 6 1/2 years!
I added the widget to show the most fav of all time posts in the lower right - mostly sex n boobs. But since it's not quality and Google ganked up the widget display, I'll probably kill it this weekend.
I have 81 followers.
Sidenote: Twitter!
Yes, you can touch my Ricky Shambles Twitter any time you like. Just follow that link or come here often and catch the widget in the right column.
Here's how that looks:
1,059 Tweets
182 Following
And, as you can guess, I use that to spout opinion, troll idiot politicians, retweet stories, and sometimes speak irrationally while intoxicated.
Blogging - STAT!
Since I started:
192,260 people visited this site
Visits: 205,254
Unique Visitors: 192,260
Pageviews: 253,288
Pages/Visit: 1.23
Avg. Visit Duration: 00:00:25
Bounce Rate: 83.17%
% New Visits: 93.67%
Of that, I have had visits from 190 countries worldwide.
Mini-Sidenote: Tumblr
Ooh yeah, and I even tried my hand at Tumblr - Boehner Has a Sad, though it flounders as there are only so many pictures of John Boehner crying in existence. Check it out!
I'm awesome.
Or at least enjoy what I'm doing enough to have other people notice and continue this mess.
Thanks for reading. I truly appreciate it.
International Travel Accessories
1 hour ago