Coming mid-season '09, so probably early 2010.
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International Travel Accessories
3 hours ago
Well, where them terr'rists gonna live? I doan want no Osama bin Laden walkin' roun on my streets.
First off, they're not terrorists; they're enemy combatants. If we were being faithful to the Geneva Convention, they'd be called Prisoners of War. Second, they aren't being released into the wilds of Small Town America. They would go to one of our jails.
But them terr'rists could break out and come get me and my family cause they hate America cause of our freedoms.
There are about 2 million people in America's prision system at any given time. There are less than 250 detainees at Gitmo. Have you ever had an escaped convict enter your home and threaten your family?
Well, no, but they hate America cause they're terr'rists.
But I told you; they're not terrorists. Some of the people in America's prisons are actual terrorists. Like the Unabomber? Many of the other convicts are murders. They hate life. I saw a guy on Discovery the other day who was in prison at 15 and said it was his personal mission to kill as many people as he could before he died.
Aww, he's just a kid. But them terr'rists are tricky.
What about Montana? There's a prison up there that wants the terr- dang, detainees. Says it'll create over 100 jobs.
Yeah, but they'll break out and then it'll be terr'rists on our streets.
It snows a lot in Montana.
Hmmm...that might work. Snow is like poison lava to them arabs.
So we bring them?
Hell no. Osama'll kill my family. Obama- hehe. See what I did there?
He's a Muslim, you know.