From BoingBoing via Neatorama, this is a cornstarch and water mix on a metal sheet on a subwoofer. How did that thought process evolve? Who cares. Behold: super-awesomeness -
International Travel Accessories
1 hour ago
Michael Steele,
You do realize that if half the GOP lived their sweetest, purest dreams, you'd be their pool boy? Or driver? Or cook - if they didn't mind black people cooking their food?
Mrs. Graves' World History class at Flagler Palm Coast High School is working on a memorial project. They are collecting one little green plastic army man figure for each of the fallen troops in the Iraqi War. It was a lesson started after reading about a class doing something similar for holocaust survivors in Tennessee. This was designed to give the students a better concept of the numbers lost in the war. Also, a way to memorialize them. Each student was allowed to donate one figure, and then they had to get donations of the rest as a way of getting community involvement. Donations have come from as far away as New Jersey and Arizona. The project is in need of more army men donations, as well as pictures of the personnel listed above the display, which is in the main hallway of the high school. The students will continue adding to the memorial as long as necessary, and then maintain the memorial as a lasting tribute to the fallen, but not forgotten. This was designed not as a statement of what is "right" or "wrong" with the war. It is a way to show that it is more than just numbers or names, but memories of people who served with integrity, courage, and honor. This project is about the people, not the politics. Donations of plastic army men or pictures of fallen personnel may be sent to:
Mrs. Mimi Graves
C/0 Flagler Palm Coast High School
5500 E. Hwy. 100
Palm Coast, FL 32164
Iraq's national security adviser said Tuesday his country will not accept any security deal with the United States unless it contains specific dates for the withdrawal of U.S.-led forces.Oh shit. They not only realize we're binding them but want to actually throw off the chains. Could we potentially start a war with the unripened fruits of our war simply because we didn't want to stop playing war?