Today we've got a two-fer: a regular post AND a Take It Back.
Hey, remember when this happened?

For some reason it just fit here:

So then, this last Thursday,
Think Progress pointed out that Santorum's (campaign? exploratory?) slogan is "Fighting to Make America America again" which is awfully close to a line in a poem by Langston Hughes that states "let America be America again"
Arguably one of America's most amazing poets, Langston Hughes also happened to be African-American and gay. Ouch. Not only that, but the stanza
O, let America be America again-
The land that never has been yet-
And yet must be-the land where every man is free.
The land that's mine-the poor man's, Indian's, Negro's, ME-
clearly turns the Republican stance on looking back at Great America on its head, saying that that America never existed in reality.
At first when confronted with the similarity, Santorum said he didn't know the origin of the phrase, that he had nothing to do with it, that it might be on a website or something.
And now he's disowned it, distanced himself, and don't wanna talk about it. Somewhere in the last 48 hours in a back room somewhere the words "It came from a black faggot?" were spoken and taken very, very seriously.
The only thing scarier than this story is the fact that this man still thinks he can be president.
UPDATE: And then he turns around and says he's going to
reinstate Don't Ask Don't Tell. AhhhhhHhh!