I actually have to thank Andrew Wilkow for alerting me to this video. Of course, he calls it "nonsense" when I find it emotionally compelling. And it's not just McCain's "100 years" comment, but his lackadaisical tossing around of the bombing of Iran that will drive this country past its volunteer military capacity, forcing a draft. And anyone who can't put those pieces together is blinded by their own nonsense.
Johnson: 'We've Got To Compete With Free Speech'
5 hours ago
Andrew Wilkow's attack ad based on this ad is much better. I feel better trusting McCain with homeland security issues than I do trusting Obama with my money (or the safety of our country for that matter). Moveon.org's ad was just more touchy-feely liberal nonsense.
Perhaps the ad is better, but Andrew Wilkow is a pseudo-intellectualist douchebag. As trusting McCain with your money did not come up, I'm guessing you are aware of the Keating Five. As far as McCain and Homeland Security is concerned, I'm personally more concerned with McCain's cavalier attitude towards dropping a bomb before an email on anyone he might disagree with. Then baby Alex will be cannon fodder and homeland security will be a distant memory.
Actually, Andrew is right. First of all, your "100 years" statement shows you have zero credibilty. Even honest liberals know he was agitating liberals and joking when he said that. The same with "Bomb" Iran. (Which personally, I would love to see annialted, because they're irration scumbags just like most liberals.)I hope there is a draft to get some of you anti-american squirmmy sissy liberals some patriotism. But wait, I am just kidding. You might turn around and shoot an american.haha. Look anti-social nerd liberal blogger, Andrew Wilkow is very intelligent and would destroy any liberal in a debate or discussion. I think you know that, you're afriad and feel you have to put him down like the geek you are.
(AFRAID) by the way, your blog sucks. Go to Idiots4Obama dot com and get some real fact based info and entertainment.
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